Meet Jinx, an open minded and talented 16 year old girl originally from Brooklyn, but currently reciding in Wilmington, Delaware. Her artistry is amazing and her talent is inspirational; from her poetry to her photography to her drawings to her fashion sense. Her art expresses her genuine creativity and her love for what she does. In this exclusive feature, we're sharing a bit of her work. Check it all out after the jump. Here's a sneak:

It’s not me, it’s you”
By Jinx

Diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me.
Yet I couldn’t see,
you weren’t what I made you to be.
I’ve some how managed to lose clarity’s sight.
This is now a diming gleam lost in the depth’s of night, 
From soaring into golden skies to longing for harsh goodbyes
Your eyes, gorgeous pools of amber that I once wished to float in.
Gasping breaths,
flooded lungs,
I’m drowning.
I try to concentrate on a cure yet,
I just find what I can’t ignore.
I front like everything’s hunky-dory
But it’s a whole different story.
I was blinded to all your flaws, excepting the illusion that you had none.
I’ve now run out of fingers and toes to count them all.
It makes me sick, it makes me cringe, I am ill, what happened?
‘Cause you don’t know the pain I feel when I see you smilin’
This bitter yuck, this sour resentment.
What happened?
How could love be so kind and so gentle;
Yet turn and be so cold?
I hate to watch you fall from your pedestal but you’re mangled scraps of metal
Not shimmery plaques of gold.